State I and State II

The world is not a fixed set of mirrors, but rather a limitless expanse of holograms, revealing a multiplicity of dimensions. Within this expanse, our inner selves are expressed in temporary form, as the experience of consciousness shifts from the tangible to the intangible.
This interaction between our consciousness and the attractor fields of energy reveals itself in the interplay between mind and body. However, our two fundamental faculties, reason and feeling, are inherently unreliable. Our history of precarious survival is a testament to this fact.
Despite this, we often ascribe our actions to reason, when in reality, we operate primarily through pattern recognition.Data is arranged in a logical manner to enhance a pattern recognition system that we then label as "truth".Yet, the notion of "truth" is always dependent on particular circumstances and viewpoints that often remain unstated.Truth is fluid, shaped by circumstances and perspectives left unsaid. Amidst this uncertainty, through introspection, we must acknowledge the limitations of our perceptions and experiences.