Leila White-Vilmouth

What happens when you die?

“It’s like a cloud in the sky. When the cloud is no longer in the sky, it doesn’t mean the cloud has died. The cloud is continued in other forms like rain or snow or ice. So you can recognize your cloud in her new forms. If you are very fond of a beautiful cloud and if your cloud is no longer there, you should not be sad. Your beloved cloud might have become the rain, calling on you, ‘darling, darling, don’t you see me in my new form?’ And then you will not be stuck with grief and despair. Your beloved one continues always. Meditation helps you recognize her continued presence in new forms. And our nature is the nature of no birth and no death...the nature of a cloud also. A cloud can never die. A cloud can become snow, or hail... or rain. But it is impossible for a cloud to pass from being into non-being. And that is true with your beloved one. She has not died. She is continued in many new forms. And you can look deeply and recognize herself in you and around you.”

⁃ Thích Nhất Hạnh

Echoes of the Fire
“A Reunion of Time and Space”

sky lantern, blue led, near the family cemetery. Hunan,

Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
If all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable.
What might have been is an abstraction
Remaining a perpetual possibility
Only in a world of speculation.
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.
Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose-garden. My words echo
Thus, in your mind.
But to what purpose
Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves
I do not know.
Other echoes
Inhabit the garden. Shall we follow?”


Go, said the bird, for the leaves were full of children,
Hidden excitedly, containing laughter.
Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind
Cannot bear very much reality.
Time past and time future
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.

― T. S. Eliot Four Quartets

The visitors are walking around in a tropical and smoky atmosphere. The performer standing still, nearby  a plant becomes part of the Jungle created within the venue.
Spiral Garden, Wacoal Art Center Tokyo  2019

Meditation Is maintaining this pure awareness
the key to enlightenment is to maintain pure awareness.
not having no-thought; and definitely not trying to stop thinking.
The correct way is this:

if thoughts come,  
just let them come
when they go;
just let them go

Don't follow your thoughts and don't cut them off
just to watch them, without trying to control them.
Let them come, and let them go. Then they will be under control.
Just be aware of them like watching clouds in the sky
as soon as you relax your mind
you naturally enter a state of fire awareness
When you're fully aware and relaxed at the same time thoughts naturally drift away and disappears
is the key and foundation to all meditation practices
When we are fully relaxed
this awareness will naturally manifest
because it has always been with us
because it has always been with us
We cannot create it
nor can we cause it to manifest by practice
On the contrary, if we try too hard to find it

we can't find it
because it has always been here

Trance Travels

Reflections of the lights


At night

Reflection of the lights

Droping themselves on a surface

Living from their glow

To make us see the illusion of a dream

In our reality

They are stars of our grownd

They are the reflection of the stars

In the blue night

Shinning forever neir our eyes

If you try to touch

Your fingers will carry their light

And create the reflection of your inside

Like a simphony of reactions

Inside you

You know you have a light

Shinning since your first heartbeat

And until the last

You can share your light

Simply by loving

Through your eyes

Sparkles flying in the atmosphere

Communicate with the human stars to create a firework

Of hope

Dear souls

We all love other humans

Inside of them we imagine

A little house

With two large windows

Where your hand and his pass through

They hold a light of hope

You feel that this house is forever

Safe in your heart and in his

But this house is not rooted in the earth

It is floating in our air

Somehow a wind

A breath

Blows this happy place away

And that’s okay

What’s not is that you suffer from loneliness

That you hold the broken pieces in your hand

While the other ran away

That is heart breaking

But it is the experience of lost

And in it you will find out that there is no home

But in your heart

Your heart is your light

It is our hope

This univers is our shared home

The moon and the sun are our parents

The trees are our friends

You can cry all of your tears

They will fertilize a ground

Where seeds will grow

Cry until you are dry

Until you forget why

Dont expect any longer

Love from a human

Expect it from the stars

They shine their distance in the reflection of your eyes

Some humans only care for themselves

Let them care

And let your soul love

how can we describe ourselves when we are constantly

floating in dazed oceans

We are caméleons, changing, wearing, changing

Im not what you think

And you are certaintly not what i think

Smell could guide us to feelings

Pain can destroy our head

But never our hearts

They are inside attached to every parts of us

Hearts are our centers

Like a seed, we can never loose a seed

We can loose roots, blossoms, petals

But a seed is always inside a garden

Your heart is safe in your garden

It will never loose it’s ability to love love and love


Why do humans care so much

At the end no matter what

You wont ever come back

Why dont you let yourself live as you feel

You care about achieving your job

Your life

Let that oppresive nonsense concept go away

Its only keeping you from living this moment

No one will remember what you did

Because we will all fly away from this planet

The only beautiful goal you should always care with you

Is to help others

Help our time  evolve with nature and our sky

In harmony and peace

Help everyone that needs a hand

We have two hands

Shake them until they stop breathing

If you love something that is truly magical

Jump inside of it

Swim naked without any control

Water flows as your blood

As our love

Floating vibrations of lights all around

Wispering to our minds

Our life is too short to complain

To get pissed

Just run away

Dance or moove your body as the wind in any directions

Experience of anything

Love without control

Care without control

Look without control

Think without control

Feel without control

Just let yourself be

Let your senses taste

One day you will stop being and doing

So dont you think about stoping now

You are free

Our body is like a car

Our heart is the motor

When it stops beating

Your body is left here

But your soul flies up naked in the sky

In the invisible

If you are angry with yourself

Forgive what you did

Its okay

You can change now

Every second you are someone else

As the constellations

They all shine at different levels

But if you look from here

Its a huge light shining into darkness

As humans

We are all  shining at our own intensity

We are a cloud of light

No matter what

Dont let fear stop your experiences

You can be crazy

Dont feel scared

You are stronger than you believe

i drown myself inside my coffin

When you feel alone

Even though there are plenty of people you love



You feel stuck inside

You want to run to the sun

Where the light would carry you


disapear from eyes

Until you reach a place you dont know

Where you dont need to stay

Where you can hide from humans

I hate what people say about themselves

It is boring and filled with useless energy

Passed senses

I want to jump from a clift

Only  draging my shadow on the hill

As a spirit flying inside a cloud

A wisper no one can hear

My bath is flowing

My eyes are crying

Water is fallling to fill a shape

To fill my coffin

Where i will swim

And dive to drown  my body

To save my soul from this sorrow we are floating in

To escape

When sadness invades your senses

Your body and mind

You throw down every thing that you inhaled

As a sponge filled with undesired waters

Fallin from each grey cloud

Swiming in a bath

I let the water float away until my body is alone with air

I wish i could dispel as the water flows

Always mooving, growing or sinking

Always travelling foward to touch and feel

As my heart needs

I want to love

I wish i could be loved

But i’m not

How long can i wish for

As long as i care

And if i don’t

I feel this wolrd we are living in is filled with competitions

With podiums to run up to

Why cant we just be friends

And care for each other

Believe in our mutual intuitive power

Listen to our shadow

And love

Love with your voice

Love with your taste

Love with your eyes

Love with your smell

Love with your moovments

Travelling in water, fire, wind, and earth

Creating a wind of whispers

Connecting life and death

Soul’s and hearts

Brains and sex

Silence and noise

Us and them

Words in an instant are waves

Rythm of the evolvence of emotions

They moove and dance in the head

At the moment our eyes wash inside of their essence

And are left to float in the ocean of our minds

Until the sun wakes up clearing the night away

Words waves

So confused with unknown movments

So infused with unreachable feelings

Why are words our only way of expressing ourselves

Why don’t we understand a smile, our eyes ?

Why can’t we feel the burning expression of a heart from

the smell of our body’s

People tend to smell the ones they love deeply

I only smell a few humans, and feel pure delight for one

Her smell is created by her bones, her blood, her soul

I could die inside of it

Inside the bottle of her body

Smell is invisible, but it comes from a visible memory

I wonder if you smell me

If you dont, i hope i dont have a smell

I hope im a neutral creation without any sent

Mystery is my beloved

There is something we dont see in the construction, there

is space for none existing results

We can dream in that unreachable space

We can invent many directions to ends

Without ever reaching them

Illusion of life

That’s why i live

Because we are in our own movies, scenes colaps and

disconnect, our coils are infinite

And we can never watch them again, only in fragments

falling from our own memory

Do you hear me

Could you reach me

I can never explain who i am

Because now i could be something, and then something


So how can we describe ourselves when we are constantly

floating in dazed oceans

We are caméleons, changing, wearing, changing

Im not what you think

And you are certaintly not what i think

Smell could guide us to feelings

Pain can destroy our head

But never our hearts

They are inside attached to every parts of us

Hearts are our centers

Like a seed, we can never loose a seed

We can loose roots, blossoms, petals

But a seed is always inside a garden

Your heart is safe in your garden

It will never loose it’s ability to love love and love


Seller of tears

Sailor of tears

The seller of tears

A heartbroken woman sell’s her own tears to live

She lives on the river

Each day she sits in front of her houseboat

With an umbrella on top of her head

She saves each drops falling from her eyes into a glass


She sell’s them to walking waves for a little wage

Can she live from her sorrow ?

Each human wave who buy’s her tears, carry little by little

her sadness away

Sailor of tears

A woman comes each day to buy a little bottle of tears

from the seller of tears

She brings them home to her garden of hope

She plants a seed into each bottle of tears

The seeds bloom into blue flowers

One day she leads the seller of tears to her garden

The seller of tears see’s from her foggy eyes

The Little bottles of tears renewal into delightful blossom’s

She start’s to smile

Her eyes become rainless of sadness

The sailor of tears hold’s the seller’s hand with tenderness

She say’s

“ did you know your tears are the roots of  all of these

flowers ?

your tears are the essence of life

they conceived hundred’s of smell’s

hundred’s of colour’s

hundred’s of soul’s

blue is the warmest colour “

from this moment the seller of tears went away with her


she waved away with the sailor

they decided to live together their love on the sea

just floating on the surface of the water

reflections of sun carry them to discover love

can we live from our sorrow ?

we can live life with our sorrow

we can exist with sorrow

pain, sadness, melancholy, suffering

a sailor will come to you to catch it and deliver into other

forms of life

maybe an invisible sailor who knows

keep your smell wide

rain fall’s until the sun comes out

then a rainbow appears in the sky


hearts are seeds

Words in an instant are waves

Rythm of the evolvence of emotions

They moove and dance in the head

At the moment our eyes wash inside of their essence

And are left to float in the ocean of our minds

Until the sun wakes up clearing the night away

Words waves

So confused with unknown movments

So infused with unreachable feelings

Why are words our only way of expressing ourselves

Why don’t we understand a smile, our eyes ?

Why can’t we feel the burning expression of a heart from

the smell of our body’s

People tend to smell the ones they love deeply

I only smell a few humans, and feel pure delight for one

Her smell is created by her bones, her blood, her soul

I could die inside of it

Inside the bottle of her body

Smell is invisible, but it comes from a visible memory

I wonder if you smell me

If you dont, i hope i dont have a smell

I hope im a neutral creation without any sent

Mystery is my beloved

There is something we dont see in the construction, there

is space for none existing results

We can dream in that unreachable space

We can invent many directions to ends

Without ever reaching them

Illusion of life

That’s why i live

Because we are in our own movies, scenes colaps and

disconnect, our coils are infinite

And we can never watch them again, only in fragments

falling from our own memory

Do you hear me

Could you reach me

I can never explain who i am

Because now i could be something, and then something


So how can we describe ourselves when we are constantly

floating in dazed oceans

We are caméleons, changing, wearing, changing

Im not what you think

And you are certaintly not what i think

Smell could guide us to feelings

Pain can destroy our head

But never our hearts

They are inside attached to every parts of us

Hearts are our centers

Like a seed, we can never loose a seed

We can loose roots, blossoms, petals

But a seed is always inside a garden

Your heart is safe in your garden

It will never loose it’s ability to love love and love


Love At First Sight

sculpture view, porcupine quill

“Two porcupines in the winter freeze found mutual warmth, and thus agreed to keep together. But when they began to prick each other with their quills, they were obliged to separate. However, the cold drove them together again, when just the same thing happened. At last, after many turns of huddling and dispersing, they discovered that they would be best off by remaining a little distance apart.”

- Schopenhauer, "The World as Will and Representation"

Mortuary houses have windows,

We can see through them the landscape. A bit of sky,

But if you walk to the other side,

Tears of blue ink fall’s from the window. Views always have

other sides.

Walking pass thoses houses,

I feel many whispers following me.

I feel company,

Energy of passed places,

Blown by any wind.

As a sculpture sculpt into nothingness, Hold by the

molecules that wind carries. Fragile and pure,

They hold on to what is mooving.

When the speed slows,

They leave to another current.

There is no end or beggining, Only a vaste ocean of sound.

Quiete and loud,

Ryhtm of moovment,

Waves and wind blow themselves into a knot. A bubble

that seems to be the earth.

Those neirboorhood of graves,

Carry the underground circualtion that we can’t see. They

are full of energy,

Full of mystery.

An entrance to dimensions,

We can’t yet reach.

Graveyards are open doors.

Horizantal paths,

Deeply carved into durt.

Cold beds of stones where no one sleeps, But bones.

The silence there shows us that we are stuck in this

dimensions. That our filters are separating us from other


Muting them so we can focus on our own selves.


Ink has changed.

To seek them we have to enlarge our perceptions. They left

footsteps everywhere,

And we are walking on them without knowing.

If i dive into the molecules of silence,

Will they carry me to another dimension ?

Why is there spirits ?

What is a spirit made of ?

How does it float ?

Why does a body grow’s a spirit ?

Then leaves it to fly away.

As a snail in his shell,

The shell is only a container to walk through streets. A

spirit needs no street or wall’s,

Not a plane or a card.

A spirit travel’s anywhere.

What is their limit ?

Do you ever feel as if you were dead. Floating in this reality

as a ghost,

But here as well on this surface.

As if you were looking for your breath, But realised you

didn’t need it anymore. Because you are in another layer.

Air vibrates, and becomes wider when we listen to it. Do

you carry inside of you a wound,

Who isn’t healing ?

No time or stitches are in need,

Because it comes from beneath.

From your own gravitationnal centre.

As a weed impossible to stop from growing again and


You try to burry it deeper each year,

But it’s here and bigger.

How can we disolve this pain ?

Why is it glued to us so strongly ?

As a shadow,

So what’s the way to get rid of a shadow ?

To get rid of ourselves.

Why should we let our shadow grow over us ?

You have to be courageous.

And let creativness take handle of the situation

«Take your broken heart and make it into art.»

Who ever you are let your shadow express itself into

something else then you.

It came into you, and it will go on to another container.


work in progress