In the Clear Water and Empty Light, All Phenomena Dissolve


"When we engage in deeper spiritual practices, we come to realize that everything is in constant motion - my body, emotions, thoughts, the world, and all that I have received. This movement is our natural state, and the "I" is not a fixed entity, but a continuous movement. Similarly, our soul is not fixed, but also in constant motion.

When our hand moves as fast as the flow of the river, we don't feel the water and there is no pressure. To live in harmony with the world inside and around us, we need to vibrate at the same frequency. I don't try to push or stop life, but rather exist in the same frequency as life itself. By doing so, we create meaningful relationships through our original movement.

I used a vibration of 7.83 Hz to create a series of photographs by inducing resonance on the surface of water, By controlling the frequency and intensity of the vibration, the water molecules are stimulated to resonate 7.83 Hz, also known as Schumann resonances or "Earth Resonance Frequency," is a part of the Earth's natural electromagnetic field, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and ionosphere. When people are in a state of deep meditation, their brain waves slow down to around 7.83 Hz. Similarly, when we go into a deep sleep and relaxed state, our cells also produce a 7.83 Hz electromagnetic signal, which is thought to be associated with cellular regeneration and repair.

Resonance occurs when an external wave matches an object's natural frequency, leading to amplification of energy. When we resonate with the Schumann resonance energy, our individual consciousness joins the field of collective consciousness, allowing for the transformation of energies and mutual influence. Ultimately, we become interconnected and one.

In our fast-paced world, we are exposed to an overwhelming amount of information, causing stress and overload. Thus, we need to consciously create space for inner peace and insight. In our time, meditation and contemplation are essential for our well-being.

Embrace the serenity of silence and stillness. Each moment holds the potential for a new beginning, with every inhale serving as a fresh start and every exhale a complete release.Expand your awareness to encompass all sensations, including the stillness and silence within and beneath them.

Living fully in these moments brings us closer to an infinite realm, where time dissolves and the present moment is all that exists.

Photography, 2017